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How electric field therapy saved a life

Written By anfaku01 on Saturday, June 18, 2011 | 3:44 PM

Several years ago, a person very close to me has been diagnosed with a type of blood disease called chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), which is a type of cancer of white blood cells. It is a form of leukemia characterized by growth increased and unregulated predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and accumulation of these cells in the blood.

This article tells the story of his life, and in the hope that by sharing her story, it can help saved other people experiencing the same situation as him.

It is just a normal person with a normal life and a simple lifestyle such as yours and mine. His only misfortune is his immune system was constantly low and therefore it gets sick easily. She also had a tonsillectomy when she was 24 years old. After tonsillectomy immunity level dropped even further. She could not go near a foot of any person who is sick, even a simple flu, or cough. If it does, it will be immediately catch and it will fall ill for at least a week. She was constantly on medication and supplement constantly consumption such as vitamins B, C and e on a daily basis. One of unhealthy habits that she was a person who does not like to drink lots of water. Its water intake is less than one litre per day on a daily basis.

It is also not a very active person. Although it was not an active person, it was not an excess of weight is. She has worked as a schoolteacher, teaching the only English to students in rural areas where English is not the mother tongue. His work is often very stressful.

She was first diagnosed the CML when she was 55 years, right out of his retirement. It all started with a high fever. His fever was approximately 38.5 degree and he could not fade. She was admitted to the hospital as the fear of the doctor that she contracted dengue. When the result of the analysis of blood came out the doctor was surprised. His white blood counts were the roof! Series of blood test and a test of the bone marrow is followed. The result came out positive for CML. According to doctors, she was a lucky woman. At the time, that she was diagnosed, the CMA was still at a very early stage. They told him that she could live up to at least 5 years with the help of oral chemotherapy.

This was the beginning of the years of oral chemotherapy. Year by year has increased his cancer is oral chemotherapy drugs consumption. First of all, he started with a pill a day, and then it became two increase and then finally to six pills a day. Then when the cancer is immunized against drugs, doctors changed his medication, whenever the level of increases in the chemo, and again the cycle repeats itself. 12 years went, it was the year 2009. His condition deteriorated more where cancer moved into the final acceleration phase. It was insensitive to any drug chemotherapy. At this point of time, there is no other drugs on the market that it did not attempt, except for one, who was a drug trial. To be admitted to trail drug program, she had to undergo weeks of tests and doctors fed him with more medication to stabilize his condition and the minimum requirement to qualify for the program. Finally, with great difficulty and test of laboratory non-stop for 3 months, she was admitted to the program. Sometimes I really wonder if she was blessings or a cursed

Once more the same story is repeated. First she absorbed two pills per day during the first month but his cancer was not shows signs of improvement. He therefore finally increased 6 per day. This is when doctors stopped his pills. His body could not take anymore. His platelets dropped to 6 K where the way below critical. His gums and eye started bleeding. His body suffered internal bleeding. Black patches on his body and his body weight increased from 45 kg to 35 kg. It is developed as white as a sheet of white paper. She was so low that the same simple activity as the March was difficult and it was confined to his bed most of the time. She was admitted to the weekly hospital for blood transfusion. Even if it has suffered a blood transfusion (minimum 2-4 packages) every week, its heads of platelets could not go above the critical level. The body could not keep the blood platelets and its white blood counts continue to increases. At this stage, doctors gave up on it! They told her husband that there is nothing more "they" can do for him as with or without treatment, she will die!

At this time, his family was desperate. They started looking for an alternative treatment to help him. They tried many other traditional treatments including herbs, but in vain. Thank God they have been introduced to electric field therapy, using a treatment machine call eLIFE?.

She tried for a simple 5 therapy treatment in 2 days and a miracle has happened! Its heads of platelets shot up to 30 K! He was a count that nobody even dared to dream of offshore. For the first time in several months, she did not need to undergo a blood transfusion. I could recalls again the 2 days I was next to her in his treatment and the day of its audit. I still clearly see the smile in her eyes and happiness in his voice and those of its other members of the family. Everyone was so happy. Pay us tears of joy!

Since that day, the family bought a unit of the machine for the treatment of eLIFE? for her and she did her treatment every day. After a year and a half since the first day of his treatment, his condition is now almost to normal. Its heads of platelet is almost 120 k, its heads of blood white are controlled with a very fresh dose of oral chemotherapy (6 pills a week), it had developed its missing 10 kilograms of weight on the back, and it is not more pale as a ghost.

It leads also to a way of life more healthy and more normal now. She consumes at least 3 litres of water a day and exercising daily. His gums, eyes and internal bleeding stopped. All black spots on his body disappeared, and the best of all that it could continue to do whatever she liked! His family celebrated his recovery with a party in a restaurant. A meal, they had not known since the day, she falls ill, 12 years ago.

It is one of the miraculous recoveries that I have seen users from eLIFE?. There are many others that I will be able to share in this article.

I hope that my story has brought hope to people at risk of becoming identical or similar. Times have changed, technology. I think one should always look for an alternative and are not all confidence only on medical science.

If you want to learn more about eLIFE? or if you have further questions on electric field therapy or even if you want to listen more to other miraculous recoveries that I have seen with the use of EFT with eLIFE?, please visit my website http://www.whyeft.com/ and send me a note.

PS: She is now 68 years old. Bless it and it may be much more long years before him.

View the original article here


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