There are often things that we would like to change about our bodies. We want to be taller, stronger, have a flat tummy, small nose, bigger breasts, etc.
This article is about how to obtain a bubble butt. Fortunately, this is something that you can get without too much trouble and effort. It will require some effort and dedication, but almost anyone can do it.
So where to start, you have to do to get an ass? There are a few different things that you can do to get a really lively and round butt.
The buttocks are composed primarily of muscle but also fat. Strengthen your muscles will make your booty firmer, larger and rounder. So if small changes what you're after, exercise (along with a good diet) is all you need.
However, when we're talking bubble butts we tend to think of other really great and well rounded. In order to get that muscle alone is not enough, you also need to add fat to it. Fat adds a fair bit of volume to your booty and strong muscles will keep firm and round. So we need to get the muscle and fat on our boot. Now methods that will get you there.
Exercise: Although many activities are good for training the buttocks (running, walking, bicycling) only go over his ass more effective creation of exercises, which will give you results, fast.
• Frog squat: squat these differs for the ordinary when you keep your feet apart (as sort of a V) make them slowly to maximize strength and to avoid putting strain on his knees
• Sidekicks in the knee: you can get on all fours, raise the leg as high as possible and kicks sideways. Switch legs and repeat
• Lunges: standing, walking together and make a step long deep forward until your thigh is parallel to the floor (not to be further this can damage the knee) get back up and recovery, change your legs and start over
• Bridges: flat lay on the floor, pull your legs until they have an angle of 45 degrees. Keep your feet on the floor and lift your arse as high as you can while compressing the buttocks. Repeat until it becomes difficult.
• Standing leg raises: stand up with you foot clinging to a door jamb or pole together. Then lift up leg laterally as high as possible, lower it slowly and repeat. Modify your legs. If you think this is too easy, put a little weight around the ankle.
Do these exercises at least three times a week. Be sure to eat well after work outs as the muscles need to catch up in order to grow. Eat healthy natural foods, make sure you eat more protein. A good diet may consist of fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk and eggs.
There are also some foods that are particularly good for ass. This is because it will help you put some fat on your booty. Putting fat on the loot is necessary in order to get an ass like muscle alone cannot give you want.
Eating nuts is good for this. Nuts contain fatty acids and Omega-3 and this will be stored in your ass so "stuffing it up". Eating fatty fish like salmon fish oil or socket has the same effect. Drinking milk is also great for the construction of an ass so drink lots of milk.
There is one more method which is very useful in order to make your ass. Is there a way of body fat you are moving from other parts of the body to the butt. This method involves a simple skin brush and will take only a few minutes per day. Is very efficient.
This is getting a bum. Now you just have to start and in a couple of months you can have a much larger, rounder and more sexy ass.
It's easy to get big, round ass and sexy looking
In just six weeks you can add 2 inches or more to your booty with a minimum of effort and make it bigger and sexier. Go to find out how to get A Bubble Butt
Joakim is living in Sweden and is an expert in martial arts and fitness. He is particularly interested in how to shape the body. Go to his blog and find out how to get a bigger butt quickly:
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